Monday, April 12, 2021

Back in Honolulu

It's great to be back in Honolulu.  However, I really prefer it without tourists.  That's going to get a lot worse as things open up.  I walked past a restaurant on the way to the boat this morning.  There was a very long line of tourists waiting to get in for breakfast.  This lagoon at Waikiki was very crowded later in the afternoon and the parking situation is back to the way it was last year before the pandemic. 

Caulking between the bilge and setee

The crew that came from San Diego to Hilo complained that there was a lot of water sloshing from the bilge into the settee storage area.  The water rusted cans and damaged tools that were in there.  So today I caulked the storage areas on the starboard side.  The port side has pretty well-fitting plastic bins and the equipment in there was fine.  Also, since we replaced a rotting rib last year, the boat leakage is very much reduced.  We also have a bilge pump sitting in a little depression such that we can pump the bilge almost dry.  I'll get plastic bins as needed to further protect against sea water under the settees.

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